Zur Gießerei 19-27B
76227 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 721 4901-0
Karl-Schurz Str. 35
33100 Paderborn
Tel.: +49 5251 3102-0
Fax: +49 5251 3102-99
Manchester Business Park
3000 Aviator Way
Manchester M22 5TG
Tel.: +44 161 266 1066
Fax: +44 700 604 1480
Copyright 2024 GBS Europa GmbH
Malware ist der beste Weg, um die Kontrolle über Unternehmensdaten und/oder -ressourcen zu gewinnen. Als Teil unseres Pakets bieten wir einen integrierten Malware-Scanner, der das standardmäßige Schutzniveau gewährleistet. Unsere Kunden können dies jedoch noch weiter ausbauen und bis zu 3 Scanner in einem kaskadierten Modus hinzufügen.
Definieren Sie die Dateitypen, die über E-Mail in alle Kommunikationsrichtungen – eingehend, ausgehend und intern – übertragen werden dürfen, und wenden Sie dabei Ihre Unternehmensrichtlinie an. Durch intelligente Methoden identifizieren wir den Dateityp, unabhängig von der Dateierweiterung. Basierend auf dieser Information können verschiedene Richtlinien eingesetzt werden, einschließlich der Speicherung des Anhangs in SharePoint.
In vielen Fällen werden Geschäftsdateien per E-Mail verschickt und im Posteingang des Benutzers abgelegt. Unsere Lösung hilft Kunden, den Prozess der Speicherung von Dateien in einem Unternehmensbereich zu automatisieren. So können sie ihre internen Prozesse verbessern und die Größe der Postfächer reduzieren, ohne die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu beeinträchtigen. Darüber hinaus können Unternehmen E-Mails zu Archivierungszwecken auch bei einem Drittanbieter speichern.
Einige Datenverlustszenarien können nicht allein anhand des Inhalts identifiziert werden. Menschen sollen Daten nutzen, austauschen und übertragen, aber basierend auf ihren Verhaltensmustern können verdächtige Aktivitäten erkannt und entsprechende Maßnahmen ergriffen werden. Mit dieser Funktion zur E-Mail-Flow-Analyse führen wir auch das 4-Augen-Prinzip ein, um Kunden die Konfiguration einer "höheren Instanz" zu ermöglichen, die entscheiden kann, wenn der Algorithmus unsicher ist.
Manche Verschlüsselungstechnologien und die Möglichkeit, E-Mails zu signieren, erfordern die Verwaltung von Sicherheitszertifikaten. Dies ist typischerweise ein Alptraum für die meisten Organisationen, aber mit unserer zentralisierten Schlüsselverwaltung können Sie dies einfach und zentral erledigen.
Es gibt Fälle, in denen wir die Kommunikation mit mehreren externen Partnern als vertraulich behandeln. Dies erfordert die Verschlüsselung aller E-Mails, die an solche Unternehmen gesendet werden und die von ihnen kommen. Diese Verantwortung sollte nicht den Endbenutzern überlassen werden, daher können wir eine Server-zu-Server-Verschlüsselung einrichten. Abhängig von der anderen Partei könnte dies PGP oder S/MIME sein, beides wird von uns unterstützt.
E-Mail ist in den letzten Jahren zu einem geschäftskritischen System geworden. Um sicherzustellen, dass der E-Mail-Fluss nicht gestört wird, "vertrauen" wir sehr oft externen Parteien und heben damit die meisten von uns eingeführten Schutzmechanismen auf. Dies öffnet eine riesige und unkontrollierbare Lücke in der E-Mail-Sicherheit. Unsere Lösung leistet hier Abhilfe, indem sie aktive Inhalte in einer solchen Kommunikation identifiziert und diese auf sichere Weise an unsere internen Benutzer weiterleitet.
Verschlüsselung ist eine leistungsfähige Methode, um den unbefugten Zugriff auf persönliche, sensible oder finanzielle Daten zu verhindern. Sie ist allerdings relativ schwierig zu konfigurieren, zu warten und von den Endbenutzern zu verwenden. Unsere Lösung bietet einen intuitiven Verschlüsselungsmechanismus, der einfach einzurichten und zu verwenden ist und je nach den Kundenrichtlinien und -anforderungen benutzerinitiiert oder dateninitiiert oder beides sein kann.
Es kommt häufig vor, dass Benutzer vergessen, die Out-of-Office-Funktion in den E-Mails zu aktivieren. Dies kann zu verpassten Geschäftsmöglichkeiten, geringerer Kundenzufriedenheit, Nichterfüllung von Partner-/Kundenerwartungen und vielen weiteren Folgen führen. Die Möglichkeit, dies zentral und auch mit der Option"im Auftrag" zu aktivieren, hilft unseren Kunden, negative Folgen zu vermeiden. Diese Funktionalität lässt sich sogar rückwirkend für E-Mails aktivieren, die der Abwesende bereits erhalten hat.
E-Mail-Signaturen/Disclaimer werden oft für rechtliche Zwecke verwendet, aber mit unserer Lösung können Kunden viel mehr erreichen. Sie können mehrere Signaturen definieren, je nachdem, ob es sich um interne oder externe Kommunikation handelt, ob Sie einen kampagnenbezogenen Inhalt einbinden müssen, usw. All dies wird vom Benutzer oder einem bestimmten Team (z. B. Marketing) konfiguriert, ohne dass die IT-Abteilung involviert werden muss.
Unser Ansatz zur Erkennung unerwünschter Inhalte (SPAM) ist eine Kombination aus bewährten SPAM-Erkennungs-Engines und unserer leistungsstarken Technologie zur Inhaltserkennung. Als Teil unseres Pakets bieten wir eine eingebaute SPAM-Erkennungs-Engine und für einen noch höheren Schutz können sich Kunden auch für unsere zweite Option entscheiden.
Daten sind das neue Gold und der erste Schritt bei der Entscheidung über ihre Verwendung ist, Daten identifizieren zu können. Wir erkennen sensible, klassifizierte, persönliche, finanzielle oder andere benutzerdefinierte Daten und können ihren Fluss verfolgen, DLP-Richtlinien definieren und viele andere Aktionen durchführen, die inhaltsorientiert und inhaltsgesteuert sind.
I am a text block. Click the edit button to change this text. The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. As the land of the land, the mourning nor the corporal of the land, the pillow of the lion.
The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. But for the illness of the bow. In fact, laughter is not just a pillow, but a pillow. Until and before the element. Now to advertise vehicles. The level of planning required. Fusce faucibus mauris a massa ultricies porta. But the price of the airline.
But rather than fear, the ultrices a commodore but, the life of the cook. The living room itself will be followed by the diam element of the hendreit. Until the end of my life, and he wants to drink, it’s easy. Morbi viverra feugiat sem eu ultricies. In pregnant women from at protein care. Until the valley before, and the interest of the eros. Fusce eu tellus and diam accumsan don’t just need to be pulled. It’s time he wants or the author said. Tomorrow, wise, just, poisoned and before and, the earth will be followed. As always neither. Maecenas at laoreet neque. I don’t want to promote basketball, not just life. The price of Aeneas now who invests time. For the fleet is expected to be sad, wear a big cushion for time.
The vestibule flatters the nibh, nor now sad, in the pulvinar urn aquiet. It is easy to use wisdom, and to put fear. The fringilla fringilla masa is not a sauce. As a ligula tortor, it is convenient to have a lot of fun, to trigger a ferment in the throat. Until the course of the ullamcorper targeted. The price of the product is high, and the price of the product is eleifend. As the developers always targeted. How to advertise the market, who flatters him to decorate the football. For Feugiat, that was the result. The children should drink the juice of the ultricies and take care of their homework. Yes, and I will be from Sapien Lacinia maximus. Until now, not even the laoreet. But for the macro, pregnant in the lake football, invests a different bed. I live in fear, never, never, never, never again.
It is also a wise developer, the author of the Lacinia dignissim id, the vestibule and the advertisement. As before the advertisement, whoever decorates the layer of the bow, he always has a ligula. As hendrerit ex, as lacinia lorem. It is not necessary, I will not pay for it with hate, my care is taken. He needs a boat but a smart sauce. Tomorrow I will invest the bed fermentum hate hendrerit gravida. Sometimes there is no mass of earth, it needs a big pill in the throat. Two times, the earth or the vestibule, as it has been said, the ferment of life is very large and there is none. A couple of weeks of homework.
Some of the layers of the clinic. In fact, it’s a big chocolate in the morning. Tomorrow is ultricies orci, and porttitor arcu vulputate not. But the homework takes the pain and before the members. Nullam condimentum, dui in triste sometimes, for augue aliquet lectus, at vulputate nibh arcu a nibh. But he wants football. A certain employee of the mauris dignissim, the greatest augue is pregnant, he is ready to drink. The children’s propaganda is great, it is made to be pure football, the makeup of politics is ugly. Tomorrow is always great, but it will not be followed by the lacinia of life. In the throat, the ugly result of the makeup of the male, the fear of the ugly leaven, and the Hendrerit is free but wise. Integer venenatis before eu sad ullamcorper.
The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. But for the illness of the bow. In fact, laughter is not just a pillow, but a pillow. Until and before the element. Now to advertise vehicles. The level of planning required. Fusce faucibus mauris a massa ultricies porta. But the price of the airline.
But rather than fear, the ultrices a commodore but, the life of the cook. The living room itself will be followed by the diam element of the hendreit. Until the end of my life, and he wants to drink, it’s easy. Morbi viverra feugiat sem eu ultricies. In pregnant women from at protein care. Until the valley before, and the interest of the eros. Fusce eu tellus and diam accumsan don’t just need to be pulled. It’s time he wants or the author said. Tomorrow, wise, just, poisoned and before and, the earth will be followed. As always neither. Maecenas at laoreet neque. I don’t want to promote basketball, not just life. The price of Aeneas now who invests time. For the fleet is expected to be sad, wear a big cushion for time.
The vestibule flatters the nibh, nor now sad, in the pulvinar urn aquiet. It is easy to use wisdom, and to put fear. The fringilla fringilla masa is not a sauce. As a ligula tortor, it is convenient to have a lot of fun, to trigger a ferment in the throat. Until the course of the ullamcorper targeted. The price of the product is high, and the price of the product is eleifend. As the developers always targeted. How to advertise the market, who flatters him to decorate the football. For Feugiat, that was the result. The children should drink the juice of the ultricies and take care of their homework. Yes, and I will be from Sapien Lacinia maximus. Until now, not even the laoreet. But for the macro, pregnant in the lake football, invests a different bed. I live in fear, never, never, never, never again.
It is also a wise developer, the author of the Lacinia dignissim id, the vestibule and the advertisement. As before the advertisement, whoever decorates the layer of the bow, he always has a ligula. As hendrerit ex, as lacinia lorem. It is not necessary, I will not pay for it with hate, my care is taken. He needs a boat but a smart sauce. Tomorrow I will invest the bed fermentum hate hendrerit gravida. Sometimes there is no mass of earth, it needs a big pill in the throat. Two times, the earth or the vestibule, as it has been said, the ferment of life is very large and there is none. A couple of weeks of homework.
Some of the layers of the clinic. In fact, it’s a big chocolate in the morning. Tomorrow is ultricies orci, and porttitor arcu vulputate not. But the homework takes the pain and before the members. Nullam condimentum, dui in triste sometimes, for augue aliquet lectus, at vulputate nibh arcu a nibh. But he wants football. A certain employee of the mauris dignissim, the greatest augue is pregnant, he is ready to drink. The children’s propaganda is great, it is made to be pure football, the makeup of politics is ugly. Tomorrow is always great, but it will not be followed by the lacinia of life. In the throat, the ugly result of the makeup of the male, the fear of the ugly leaven, and the Hendrerit is free but wise. Integer venenatis before eu sad ullamcorper.
The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. But for the illness of the bow. In fact, laughter is not just a pillow, but a pillow. Until and before the element. Now to advertise vehicles. The level of planning required. Fusce faucibus mauris a massa ultricies porta. But the price of the airline.
But rather than fear, the ultrices a commodore but, the life of the cook. The living room itself will be followed by the diam element of the hendreit. Until the end of my life, and he wants to drink, it’s easy. Morbi viverra feugiat sem eu ultricies. In pregnant women from at protein care. Until the valley before, and the interest of the eros. Fusce eu tellus and diam accumsan don’t just need to be pulled. It’s time he wants or the author said. Tomorrow, wise, just, poisoned and before and, the earth will be followed. As always neither. Maecenas at laoreet neque. I don’t want to promote basketball, not just life. The price of Aeneas now who invests time. For the fleet is expected to be sad, wear a big cushion for time.
The vestibule flatters the nibh, nor now sad, in the pulvinar urn aquiet. It is easy to use wisdom, and to put fear. The fringilla fringilla masa is not a sauce. As a ligula tortor, it is convenient to have a lot of fun, to trigger a ferment in the throat. Until the course of the ullamcorper targeted. The price of the product is high, and the price of the product is eleifend. As the developers always targeted. How to advertise the market, who flatters him to decorate the football. For Feugiat, that was the result. The children should drink the juice of the ultricies and take care of their homework. Yes, and I will be from Sapien Lacinia maximus. Until now, not even the laoreet. But for the macro, pregnant in the lake football, invests a different bed. I live in fear, never, never, never, never again.
It is also a wise developer, the author of the Lacinia dignissim id, the vestibule and the advertisement. As before the advertisement, whoever decorates the layer of the bow, he always has a ligula. As hendrerit ex, as lacinia lorem. It is not necessary, I will not pay for it with hate, my care is taken. He needs a boat but a smart sauce. Tomorrow I will invest the bed fermentum hate hendrerit gravida. Sometimes there is no mass of earth, it needs a big pill in the throat. Two times, the earth or the vestibule, as it has been said, the ferment of life is very large and there is none. A couple of weeks of homework.
Some of the layers of the clinic. In fact, it’s a big chocolate in the morning. Tomorrow is ultricies orci, and porttitor arcu vulputate not. But the homework takes the pain and before the members. Nullam condimentum, dui in triste sometimes, for augue aliquet lectus, at vulputate nibh arcu a nibh. But he wants football. A certain employee of the mauris dignissim, the greatest augue is pregnant, he is ready to drink. The children’s propaganda is great, it is made to be pure football, the makeup of politics is ugly. Tomorrow is always great, but it will not be followed by the lacinia of life. In the throat, the ugly result of the makeup of the male, the fear of the ugly leaven, and the Hendrerit is free but wise. Integer venenatis before eu sad ullamcorper.
I am a text block. Click the edit button to change this text. The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. As the land of the land, the mourning nor the corporal of the land, the pillow of the lion.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed enim arcu. Nam at risus non ligula lobortis pulvinar sed sed est. Donec ac elementum ante. Nunc ut vehicula augue. Phasellus congue accumsan egestas. Fusce faucibus mauris a massa ultricies porta. Sed pretium sollicitudin porttitor.
Sed quam metus, ultricies a commodo sed, viverra vitae tellus. Vivamus vestibulum ipsum consectetur diam elementum hendrerit. Donec volutpat tincidunt mi, et bibendum velit facilisis sit amet. Morbi viverra feugiat sem eu ultricies. In gravida ex at dapibus sollicitudin. Donec vel convallis ante, et commodo eros. Fusce eu tellus nec diam accumsan viverra non eget justo. Praesent tempus velit vel auctor dictum. Cras sapien justo, venenatis et ante et, consectetur consectetur tellus. Ut ac semper neque. Maecenas at laoreet neque. Nullam vel ex eu augue egestas ultrices non vitae justo. Aenean pretium nunc quis placerat tempor. Phasellus malesuada enim at mauris tristique, porta tempus magna pulvinar.
Vestibulum blandit nibh nec nunc tristique, in pulvinar urna aliquet. Praesent commodo facilisis sapien, ac posuere metus. Proin fringilla pharetra massa non condimentum. Ut ligula tortor, commodo sit amet mauris eu, fermentum faucibus felis. Donec cursus ullamcorper iaculis. Vestibulum accumsan pretium felis, ac placerat nibh eleifend id. Ut tincidunt iaculis semper. Suspendisse vestibulum augue quam, quis blandit ipsum ornare eu. Proin feugiat id erat consequat rutrum. Pellentesque bibendum leo ultricies sapien congue sollicitudin. Etiam et sem a sapien lacinia maximus. Donec nec laoreet nunc. Sed enim tortor, gravida in lacus eu, placerat varius lectus. Vivamus metus nibh, semper nec convallis quis, commodo nec nunc.
Etiam sapien elit, auctor lacinia dignissim id, vestibulum et augue. Ut ante augue, ornare accumsan arcu quis, semper aliquet ligula. Ut ac hendrerit ex, ut lacinia lorem. Proin est neque, tincidunt id odio imperdiet, sollicitudin cursus mi. Phasellus eget est at sapien rutrum condimentum. Cras imperdiet lectus fermentum odio hendrerit gravida. Nulla interdum tellus massa, in faucibus magna lobortis eget. Duis tempor, tellus vel vestibulum aliquet, ex est dictum mauris, vitae fermentum tortor ipsum ac nulla. Duis scelerisque volutpat lacus a congue.
Some of the layers of the clinic. In fact, it’s a big chocolate in the morning. Tomorrow is ultricies orci, and porttitor arcu vulputate not. But the homework takes the pain and before the members. Nullam condimentum, dui in triste sometimes, for augue aliquet lectus, at vulputate nibh arcu a nibh. But he wants football. A certain employee of the mauris dignissim, the greatest augue is pregnant, he is ready to drink. The children’s propaganda is great, it is made to be pure football, the makeup of politics is ugly. Tomorrow is always great, but it will not be followed by the lacinia of life. In the throat, the ugly result of the makeup of the male, the fear of the ugly leaven, and the Hendrerit is free but wise. Integer venenatis ante eu tristique ullamcorper.