Collaboration protection
Get advanced, intuitive and transparent security of collaboration platforms
The use of collaboration tools and meeting platforms from vendors such as Microsoft and CISCO is constantly increasing, and with it the security measures that need to be taken. As more and more channels, more complex IT infrastructures and a large part of the platforms run entirely in the cloud, new gateways and attack vectors are emerging.
While most organizations are constantly increasing their email security measurements, they often tend to overlook protection against malicious files, that enter the company via SharePoint or messenger, for example. The security capabilities currently available are often limited and ineffective.
Centralized protection of collaboration platforms
We leverage our extensive experience in email protection to create the modern cloud platform iQ.Suite 360 for protecting the new communication channels. Available as a cloud service, iQ.Suite 360 protects the latest technologies for collaboration and communication used in the business world.
The platforms helps companies respond promptly to the dynamic and ever-changing threat landscape with a centralized cloud solution that fits both enterprises and small companies.
The Highlights at a Glance
One-Policy approach
Security policies are configured once and then applied to all supported channels
Simplicity first
Relieve employees of tedious and complex compliance and security tasks
Private Cloud version
In case of regulations or internal guidelines, iQ.Suite 360 can be operated on premises as well
360° protection
Secure communication and information exchange between employees as well as external communication partners
Enables the segregation of subsidiaries, legal entities, etc.
Attractive price model
Flexible, convenient and predictable way of paying for platform usage
Do you want to protect your collaboration platforms?
Simply contact our Sales team at to make an inquiry and we’ll be happy to work with you to improve your security posture.