Types of Machine Learning exemplified by spam analysis: Part 2

Part 1 of the article introduced the topic of machine learning based on the example of spam analysis and described the first three types of machine learning - supervised, reinforcement and unsupervised learning. The remaining two types of machine learning – semi-supervised and active, are discussed in the [...]

Types of Machine Learning exemplified by spam analysis: Part 1

The first two articles in our series on AI recognition, Human or machine? Distinguishing between real and AI-generated content and GBS tests the most popular tools for AI content detection, already presented methods and tools that can be used to analyze whether a (text) content was created by [...]

GBS tests the most popular tools for AI content detection

In our previous blog article, we dived into the topic of identifying AI-generated texts. Dr. Rolf Kremer, R&D Manager at GBS, presented methods for analyzing the content of documents or emails to determine whether they were written by a human or an artificial intelligence (AI). In this blog post, [...]

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