How to turn your email signatures into an effective and free marketing tool

You seek to take full advantage of all free marketing opportunities to reach customers and partners? Undoubtedly, corporate email is great for this purpose, but there is one of its features whose potential you are probably not exploiting entirely - signatures. Your business email correspondence goes out every day [...]

Create GDPR-compliant email signatures

What must companies take into account when sending e-mails? The legal regulations strengthening data protection require every company to implement numerous adjustments when handling data and providing information. These measures also include making its email signatures GDPR-compliant. If email signatures were until recently just a good way to [...]

Optimise email signatures for dark mode

Many users enjoy the flexibility to customise the user interface according to their preferences. A relatively new user interface design that is gaining popularity is the dark mode. It is now available on most software programs on various devices. This feature allows the user to partially invert the [...]

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